Natural honey and Brazilian nuts
Our partnership with the Ministry is an example of successful public-private sector cooperation.
The Ministry’s tremendous work for more then a year resulted in allowing Armenian honey to be exported to EU countries in May 2013 by EU Commission.
“Mer Sarer Holding” LLC has received a grant support within the project “Organic Agriculture Support Initiative” (OASI) aimed at increasing the production of organic honey in Armenia. For this purpose, two organic bee farms will be strengthened and a third one will be established in different parts of Armenia.
About the OASI Project
The Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI), a project funded by the European Union and co-funded and implemented by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), aims at further developing organic agriculture in Armenia.
“Mer Sarer Holding” LLC has partnered with Swienty since 2014 and has been acquiring and using Swienty’s high quality equipment for its honey processing activities.
ECOGLOBE LLC is internationally recognized organic certification and inspection body founded in 2002. It is pioneering in Armenia and other countries of CIS and EECCA region with emerging markets. The organization promotes local organic markets and opens access to the world’s markets.
“Mer Sarer Holding” LLC has been certified by Ecoglobe LLC according to both standards: EU GC and USDA NOP since 2015.
IFOAM is the world’s largest organic organization and “Mer Sarer Holding” LLC has been an active member in IFOAM since 2016. There will be future studies and research with IFOAM in organic beekeeping.
In cooperation with the Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), Europe’s largest nature conservation non-for-profit organization, We have launched the “Support Armenian Mouflon” campaign. Several years ago, NABU initiated a program to protect the Armenian mouflon in the south of Armenia (a highly endangered animal).
We are committed to supporting this initiative by donating 250 AMD (0.5 EUR) to NABU from the sale of each of our organic honey products both in local and international markets.
NABU Bundesverband
“Mer Sarer Holding” LLC has partnered with ACBA bank since 2015. The presence of bank branches in all the regions of Armenia, facilitates money transfers to different beekeepers and local suppliers like beehive manufacturers.In 2016, ACBA Bank sponsored the costs of our organic certification for one year as a sign of mutual partnership.
Our honey was used as corporate gift by Acba Bank on it’s 20th anniversary.